Write Your Company Anthem

During this exceptional experience, you’ll learn what makes a song, how it’s composed, and take part in a hands-on workshop to compose your company’s anthem! All this will take place in our professional recording studios, overlooking nature,... Read more

  • Duration Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    3 - 8 hours

  • Participants Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    4 - 24 participants

  • Budget Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    # Participants from # Participants to Amount Note
    1 6 € 350 Per person
    7 10 € 250 Per person
    11 15 € 150 Per person
    16 20 € 115 Per person
    21 24 € 100 Per person
  • Category Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Creative, Indoor

  • Location Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building


  • Language Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Possible languages: nl, fr, en

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About this team building

During this exceptional experience, you’ll learn what makes a song, how it’s composed, and take part in a hands-on workshop to compose your company’s anthem!

All this will take place in our professional recording studios, overlooking nature, in the company of professional songwriters.

Program :

Pre-team building preparation: Before the event, we’ll work closely with your company to obtain 3 essential pieces of information:

1. Musical style of song: Jazz, Trance, Pop, Reggaeton, Hip-hop, R&B, etc.

2. Language in which you would like to write the lyrics.

3. Provide a list of participants and their functions within the company to create parallels between people’s roles and the different important parts in a song (verse, chorus, etc.).

4. Use of the song: commercial use/serious project or internal use/just for fun

5. Specify whether there are any musicians in the group of participants, and who is more or less comfortable singing.

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Budget indication

Prices are always subject to circumstances, location, requirements, extra options, participants, etc. and are shown only as an indication. Request a quote for a tailor-made price.

# Participants from # Participants to Amount Note
1 6 € 350 Per person
7 10 € 250 Per person
11 15 € 150 Per person
16 20 € 115 Per person
21 24 € 100 Per person
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Sense the atmosphere!

Image Write Your Company Anthem | TeambuildingGuide
Image Write Your Company Anthem | TeambuildingGuide
Image Write Your Company Anthem | TeambuildingGuide
Image Write Your Company Anthem | TeambuildingGuide
Image Write Your Company Anthem | TeambuildingGuide
Image Write Your Company Anthem | TeambuildingGuide
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