Team Quiz Virtual

Build a sense of belonging – remotely. Our Team Quiz Virtual is a remote experience that makes your team laugh, talk and bond like no other. What can you expect with this online / remote team building? The ice is broken in the virtual lobby.... Read more

  • Duration Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    1 - 1,5 hours

  • Participants Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    6 - 90 participants - This team building is intended for companies only.

  • Budget Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    < € 35 pp. (excl. VAT)

  • Category Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building


  • Language Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Possible languages: nl, en

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About this team building

Build a sense of belonging – remotely. Our Team Quiz Virtual is a remote experience that makes your team laugh, talk and bond like no other. What can you expect with this online / remote team building?

The ice is broken in the virtual lobby. Need a quick warm up before you jump into the sixty minutes of fun? Relax, you’re in good hands. The group will be split up in teams of 2 – 5 people.

The variety of games allows everyone to shine, discuss and interact across teams – goodbye, breakout room loneliness! We offer 4 minigames, captains switching & discuss strategies with your team.

Celebrate winners and take away great memories – Everyone loves healthy competition! At the end, go ridiculous in the photo booth.

Easy setup via shareable link. No separate Zoom or MS Teams necessary. Easy to book & Fun to play. Guaranteed.

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Sense the atmosphere!

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Image Team Quiz Virtual | TeambuildingGuide
Image Team Quiz Virtual | TeambuildingGuide
Image Team Quiz Virtual | TeambuildingGuide
Image Team Quiz Virtual | TeambuildingGuide
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