Flemish Primitives

This interactive course will take you along the historical sites and lesser known gems Bruges. Your group will be divided into teams of 10 persons and immersed into the world of Bruges in circa 1450 where the clergy and freemasons made the rules.... Read more

  • Duration Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    2 - 3 hours

  • Participants Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    20 - 150 participants - This team building is intended for companies only.

  • Budget Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    € 35 to € 50 pp. (excl. VAT)

  • Category Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    City Game, Outdoor

  • Location Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    West Flanders

  • Language Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Possible languages: nl, fr, en

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About this team building

This interactive course will take you along the historical sites and lesser known gems Bruges.

Your group will be divided into teams of 10 persons and immersed into the world of Bruges in circa 1450 where the clergy and freemasons made the rules. Through a series of challenges your team will be able to expand the wealth (land, raw materials) and power of the city (streets, ships, money).

You will not only be rewarded when successfully completing a task, in addition you will have the opportunity to expand your wealth by betting a joker or gold bar.

But a true freemason is also a skillful negotiator when dealing with other teams, is able to turn a profit on your assets at the bank and can evade encounters with criminals on the trail.

Through an ingenious trading system you can rise above the other teams!

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Image Flemish Primitives | TeambuildingGuide
Image Flemish Primitives | TeambuildingGuide
Image Flemish Primitives | TeambuildingGuide
Image Flemish Primitives | TeambuildingGuide
Image Flemish Primitives | TeambuildingGuide
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