Boom whacking!

The new musical teambuilding workshop with modern percussion-instruments. Boomwhackers are simple, plastic and multicolored hollow tubes that make a specific sound and notes when you hit them against your own body (knees, shoulder, hands,… ) or... Read more

  • Duration Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    1 - 2 hours

  • Participants Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    10 - 30 participants - This team building is intended for companies only.

  • Budget Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    € 35 to € 50 pp. (excl. VAT)

  • Category Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Creative, Indoor

  • Location Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Antwerp, East Flanders, Flemish Brabant, Hainaut, Liège, Luxembourg, Namur, Walloon Brabant

  • Language Icon | TeambuildingGuide - Original ideas for a successful team building

    Possible languages: nl, fr, en

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About this team building

The new musical teambuilding workshop with modern percussion-instruments.

Boomwhackers are simple, plastic and multicolored hollow tubes that make a specific sound and notes when you hit them against your own body (knees, shoulder, hands,… ) or something else.

The Boomwhackers instrument originated from the junk bands that made percussion music with waste material.

Within a few minutes you can play a well-known, up-tempo song with the whole group. Musical background is not necessary.

You will be amazed how fast you can play a song together!

From Michael Jacksons “Billie Jean” to “ the Ode to joy” from Beethoven we offer a large selection of well know songs.

Join the orchestra !

Interested in this great team building? Fill in the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Sense the atmosphere!

Image Boom whacking! | TeambuildingGuide
Image Boom whacking! | TeambuildingGuide
Image Boom whacking! | TeambuildingGuide
Image Boom whacking! | TeambuildingGuide
Image Boom whacking! | TeambuildingGuide
Image Boom whacking! | TeambuildingGuide
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